- Area Information -



観音寺市観光案内 https://www.city.kanonji.kagawa.jp/soshiki/21/333.html

It is said to have been built overnight around the time of the Kan'ei era in the Edo period to welcome the feudal lord, and it is said that if you look at this sand painting, you will be healthy, live a long life, and never have to worry about money.
Drawn on the white sand of Ariake Beach, it measures 122m from east to west, 90m from north to south, and has a circumference of 345m.

Kanonji City Tourist Information


高屋神社 ~天空の鳥居~


観音寺市観光案内 https://www.city.kanonji.kagawa.jp/soshiki/21/13387.html

 The main shrine is located at the top of Mt. Inazumi, which is 404 meters above sea level, so it is also called "Inazumi Shrine" or "Inazumi-san." From the torii gate of the main shrine, you can get a panoramic view of Kannonji city and the majestic Seto Inland Sea. The torii gate of the main shrine is known as the "Torii Gate in the Sky," and was selected as one of the 88 Views of Shikoku in 2018.

Kanonji City Tourist Information


瀬戸内の天空の鏡 -父母ヶ浜(ちちぶがはま)-

潮が引いた干潮時の夕暮れには、南米ボリビアの「ウユニ塩湖」のような写真 が撮れると話題になり、バエる写真スポットとして、SNSで一躍有名になりました。2018 年 には じゃらんの「 夕日 絶景 ランキング 」で全国1位に選ばれました。約1km のロングビーチを誇る穏やかな香川県三豊市の海水浴場です 。
毎年夏には多くの海水浴客が訪れます 。

三豊市観光交流局 https://www.mitoyo-kanko.com/chichibugahama/

It became famous on social media as a cool photo spot when you can take pictures at low tide, which look like they are taken at the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia. In 2018, it was ranked number one in Japan by Jalan in their "Beautiful Sunset Ranking." This is a peaceful swimming beach in Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture, boasting a long beach of about 1 km. Many beachgoers visit every summer.

Mitoyo City Tourism and Exchange Bureau https://www.mitoyo-kanko.com/chichibugahama/